FEM Testing Centre – exam period and pre-semester plans in summer 2024

Testovací centrum PEF » News » FEM Testing Centre – exam period and pre-semester plans in summer 2024

The Testing Centre of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (TC PEF) has successfully completed another examination period. Despite unexpected complications in the last week, when the centre was heated and moved to temporary conditions, the operation was successfully completed.

The pre-test period: prepare for more opportunities

The FEM Testing Centre is scheduled to open on weekdays between 26 August and 6 September 2024. This so-called pre-semester period is intended to allow students to take additional exams, giving them another opportunity to complete their academic commitments before the start of the new semester.

The importance of the pre-semester period

The pre-semester period is a key opportunity for students who need one more chance to complete their academic obligations. This period allows for the completion of exams that were not completed during the regular exam period, ensuring a smooth transition into the new semester.

Opening hours and other information

The Testing Center will be open during the pre-semester period on weekdays during normal business hours, i.e. 8am-7pm. If you need to contact us, you can use the contact form.


The successful completion of the exam period despite unexpected complications and the planned opening of the Test Centre during the pre-semester period represent an important step towards supporting students in completing their study obligations.

For more information and up-to-date news, keep an eye on the official tc.pef.czu.cz website and other faculty communication channels. The Testing Center looks forward to your participation in the presemester!

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