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Experimental solution for crowded Testing Centre: waiting lists offer a chance

Testovací centrum PEF » News » Experimental solution for crowded Testing Centre: waiting lists offer a chance

TL;DR: Application for the waiting list for substitutes

Scenario of the situation

Imagine that you are in your final year and you have to go for your state exams in a few weeks.

But you have one last exam left.

You managed to persuade the examiner today to give you another deadline. It’ll be tomorrow. You’ll have to hand in your UIS mark sheet by 13 May – and you’ll have to have all of them, of course.

You open up Moodle and go and book a quick appointment. Only – problem. The FEM Testing Center is fully booked until Sunday, May 19 – for the next ten days.

What now? You can refresh the Moodle page and wait to see if anything becomes available for tomorrow… But it’s not a good prospect.

What do we know about the problem?

We discussed at the SIS meeting on Tuesday that the TC is indeed fully booked and we have no way to open it anymore. (It’s open on weekends, closed on sports day and on Miss Agro, when the security department needs it.) This corresponds exactly to the projection of the vice-dean, doc.Houška – we knew in February that it would be full.

We also discussed at the SIS meeting that every day X number of people – roughly estimated to be about 7%, up to about 40 per day – do not show up for the test without an excuse and do not cancel the reservation. They are blocking other people’s places and may be penalised for that next time.

So we have added messages which are now sent automatically to those who have not turned up – it is inconsiderate to fellow students.

New functionality

One more new functionality has been added today to give students a chance to get to unused places in TC. It’s not a guarantee yet, but it at least brings some hope for those who otherwise wouldn’t get into TC.

The Testing Center offers an experimentally unique option for those who desperately need a reservation for their test and are willing to wait and be one of the substitutes for students who don’t show up for their reservation.

This is a brand new service – for now, only on a trial basis and no guarantee!

Students can sign up for the daily waiting list via the link:

After logging in, the student will receive a confirmation that he/she is on the waiting list. She/he must continue to be ready near TC (not inside TC and not in the Rector’s Office building) so that she/he can arrive within 5 minutes when we send her/him an automated email that someone did not show up so that she/he can take advantage of the available date. From the moment the email is sent, he/she must arrive at the kiosk with his/her student ID card within 5 minutes and begin taking his/her test as soon as possible thereafter.

In total, the student has 59 minutes from the time the email is sent to complete the test. (We cannot reserve more – the following slots may be, and currently probably will be, fully booked.)

We believe that we have made TC FEM’s operations as efficient as possible at this point in time, and are being as accommodating as possible to students who desperately need to write tests. We keep our fingers crossed that their efforts will be successful.

Please note

Students are also strongly advised,

  1. that the waiting list and the possibility of using unfilled slots in TC is completely without guarantee (and no entitlement to do so),
  2. that any questions can be addressed by email to tc@pef.czu.cz (cannot be addressed with the TC supervisor),
  3. it is not allowed to wait in the premises of TC FEM and in the building of the Rector’s Office of ČZU
  4. and that access is really only valid for 5 minutes – you must come to the kiosk with your student ID card before then.

Thank you for your understanding!

On behalf of the TC FEM team

Václav Lohr

Head of TC FEM Operations