Information for students who are going to visit the Testing Centre FEM ČZU.
Current opening hours
What you must not take to the FEM Testing Centre
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When visiting the FEM Testing Centre, it is important to follow the rules and restrictions that are in place to ensure the integrity of testing and privacy. Before entering the centre, please read and follow the following instructions regarding items you may not bring with you. Please consider this list as a guide – everything…
Adjustment of operating hours of the FEM Testing Centre in May 2024
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Dear students, We would like to inform you about the extension of the opening hours of the FEM Testing Centre at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, CZU in Prague during May 2024. In response to increased interest and the need to ensure sufficient capacity for all students, the centre will be open on…
Experimental solution for crowded Testing Centre: waiting lists offer a chance
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TL;DR: Application for the waiting list for substitutes Scenario of the situation Imagine that you are in your final year and you have to go for your state exams in a few weeks. But you have one last exam left. You managed to persuade the examiner today to give you another deadline. It’ll be tomorrow.…
Adjustment of operating hours of the FEM Test Centre in May 2024
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In May 2024, the operating hours of the Testing Centre of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the ČZU in Prague will be adjusted due to public holidays and university events. The Centre will be closed on 1 and 8 May, then on 14 May for Rector’s Day and on 16 May during the…