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Novinky v Testovacím centru

  • What does the security frame detect?

    What does the security frame detect?

    Based on the queries we have seen, we bring you more detailed information about the different types of materials that are detected by the security frame. Material Degree of magnetic field influence Examples of things containing material Permeability (μ) – range Iron High Metal buttons, clasps, brooches Several hundred to thousands Nickel High Some types…

  • New innovative approach of the FEM Testing Centre: random allocation of computers to distribute computer usage and eliminate queues at lockers

    New innovative approach of the FEM Testing Centre: random allocation of computers to distribute computer usage and eliminate queues at lockers

    Today, the FEM Testing Centre implemented a new random computer assignment system, the main goal of which is to prevent students from clustering and forming queues at the assigned lockers. Under this new system, each student is randomly assigned one of the computers when they arrive at the TC. This process is managed by a…

  • Reduction of the time for logging into FEM Testing Centre

    Hello, We would like to be as accommodating as possible to students with the possibilities of applying to the FEM Testing Centre and therefore we are shortening the time needed between the application and the test date. Previously the time to log in was 7 hours, we are now reducing it to 2 hours. Example…

  • TC operation is relocated into seminar room PEF C16

    TC operation is relocated into seminar room PEF C16

    Due to a water accident in the building of the Rector’s Office of the ČZU (on 20.06.2024) and the subsequent flooding of the Testing Centre, the operation has been temporarily stopped. We apologize for the situation and we are working to remedy it. The expected time of interruption of operation is at least until Friday…