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Novinky v Testovacím centru

  • FEM Testing Centre again in the rectorate building

    FEM Testing Centre again in the rectorate building

    We are pleased to announce that the PEF Testing Centre is returning to its original premises in the rectorate building of ČZU after a temporary move. Repairs following the water breakdown have been successfully completed, and the centre’s operations have been fully restored. Thank you for your patience during the restrictions and we look forward…

  • FEM Testing Centre – exam period and pre-semester plans in summer 2024

    FEM Testing Centre – exam period and pre-semester plans in summer 2024

    The Testing Centre of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (TC PEF) has successfully completed another examination period. Despite unexpected complications in the last week, when the centre was heated and moved to temporary conditions, the operation was successfully completed. The pre-test period: prepare for more opportunities The FEM Testing Centre is scheduled to…

  • New feature in the Test Centre: clearer information on test bookings for TC supervision

    New feature in the Test Centre: clearer information on test bookings for TC supervision

    In an effort to improve organization and efficiency in the Testing Centre, a new feature has been introduced to give supervisors a better overview of test bookings and timings. The issue of test spacing So far, the supervision has faced the problem of students coming in with a reservation for a test but not being…

  • Examples of good practice

    Examples of good practice

    Based on the current incident, it is worth noting how supervision proceeded when the student who triggered the detection frame response did not respond in the most appropriate manner: In conclusion, the student eventually took the test and managed to comply with the FEM Testing Centre’s rules.